Owners are responsible for maintaining the water supply on their property.

Problems with water mains should be reported to Welsh Water.

Private water supplies

A private water supply is water not provided by Welsh Water.

The supplies can serve single property, several properties and commercial or public premise.

Sources may include:

  • spring
  • well
  • borehole
  • surface derived supply

Health risks

Private water supplies can cause health issues if they are not protected and treated. 

The council monitors the quality of all identified private water supplies.

If the water supply passes through a lead tank or pipes, there is likely to be dissolved lead in the water. Lead can be harmful, especially to young children. 

The regulation for all private supplies in Wales outlines water quality standards for all water that is intended for:

  • drinking
  • cooking
  • food preparation
  • or other domestic purposes

The council has the following duties:

  • to complete a risk assessment of all shared water and commercial supplies every five years 
  • to respond to any request for a risk assessment by the owners or occupiers of single dwellings
  • to monitor all shared and commercial supplies with the sampling frequencies 
  • to keep records of all private water supplies and to supply a report of activities to the Drinking Water Inspectorate (DWI)
  • set out procedures that must be followed if the council considers a private water supply to be potentially dangerous
  • create fees for owners of private supplies for the undertaking of duties required by the regulations